Week beg. 20/4/20
Hi Zebras!
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter with your families, and you managed to enjoy the sunshine. Things are a bit strange still and we need to stay at home with our families for a bit longer to stay safe, so I’m going to send some more learning for you to do at home.
For this week, I’ve sent your families English and maths activities for each day, and some other ideas for you to choose from across the week. This week we will be continuing to learn lots about animals, which you started with Annie in science. I’ve also uploaded some videos to Tapestry to help you with your learning. When you parents log in they will need to go to Zebra Class and then you will be able to see these. I'd love to see what you have been getting up to – you can upload pictures to Tapestry too, or your parents can help you to email me using your LGfL email.
Please continue to complete activities on Teach Your Little Monster to Read. It’s been lovely to see how you are progressing with your phonics. It’s also been lovely to hear how keen you have been to practise reading at home. For fluency, please read each book a number of times, rather than choosing a new book each time. You could focus on:
1st read – decoding words
2nd read – building fluency
3rd read - comprehension e.g questions around characters feelings, interesting vocabulary, main events, links to other stories etc.
It feels like forever since I saw your lovely, smiley faces – I miss you all lots! I’m sure that you are all keeping busy and are continuing to be lovely, kind Zebras at home. I look forward to seeing you soon.
P.S. From Monday 20th April, for extra learning, BBC Bitesize are uploading daily lessons available online, through BBC iplayer or by pressing the red button on your TVs. We often use BBC Bitesize in class. Here’s the link: