Illness - Accidents - Medical
What to do if your child is unwell
Please ensure you phone the school on the first day of any absence before 9.30am.
If no message is received by the school, we will phone you after 9.30am to check the whereabouts of your child.
After the first day, there is no need to phone again unless the illness has turned into something that will potentially keep your child off for longer than 5 days.
Returning after illness
Please do not bring in your child if they are ill.
Children who have been sick (vomiting) or have had an attack of diarrhoea, must not come into school until at least 48 hours have passed without further symptoms.
If your child has had a contagious infectious disease (such as chicken pox) please call the school for advice on when they can return.
The Department of Health runs the annual Nasal Flu programme in the school. A consent form goes out to all parents in Reception Class through to Year 5/6 as soon as they are delivered and returned in the format they are received. See leaflets at the foot of this page.
If your child is fit to return to school after an illness, but has been prescribed medicine by a doctor which needs to be finished, this can be given to them by a member of staff as long as a medicine request form is completed (the children need to have been prescribed 4 doses a day for school to administer the medicine).
Medicine forms are only available from the school office. No medicine can be given without the completion of this form.
Medicine must only be brought into school by an adult and for safety reasons we can only return it to an adult at the end of the day.
Over the counter medicines (such as ‘Calpol’ or cough medicine) cannot be given by members of staff.
Children should not be sent in with cough or throat sweets as these could pose a risk to other children.
Inhalers – children needing inhalers must have one in school in case of emergencies. However we can only give it to the child if the necessary asthma form has been completed. Inhalers are kept securely in the medical room.
Any children requiring regular or specific medication or care (such as an epipen), will have a Healthcare Plan drawn up and agreed by parents/carers, the school and GP/School Nurse. The medication can then be kept and administered at school.
Please avoid taking your child out of school for a medical appointment where possible.
A note should be sent to the school office detailing when you will be collecting your child or a message left with the office staff.
You should sign your child ‘in’ and ‘out’ of school in the book outside the school office. This is important so that staff know which children are out of school should an emergency arise.
Sometimes children become ill while at school. If necessary the school will make every effort to contact a family member to come and collect the child.
The emergency contact numbers held on the school database are essential in these circumstances and it is very important that you remember to notify the school of any changes.
We have trained first aiders on the school staff.
Sometimes children have accidents while at school. In these circumstances they will receive treatment in school. They will be issued with a note if it is felt that you should know the details of what has occurred.
In the case of minor ‘playground accidents’, school staff can only administer an ice pack, clean any scrapes etc with clean water and put on a sterile dressing if necessary.
If further medical attention is required, you will be contacted.
If your child comes home with any of our spare clothes on, please wash and return them as soon as possible to the school office so that they are in the cupboard for the next time they are needed.
It is assumed that children will be toilet trained before they start school. However, we are sensitive to the fact that for a few children there may be physical or developmental reasons that prevent this from being the case.
Sometimes children have accidents that involve getting wet clothing. In these circumstances, we do have some spare clothes to change them into. They will be sent home with their own clothes in a plastic bag.
The school has an established procedure that is followed when needed. Please ask the class teacher if your child may need further help.
The school nurse is a fully qualified nurse who is allocated special responsibility for the school.
She visits school regularly to do development checks on the children.
Head lice can be attracted to any child’s hair.
Children with long hair should have it tied back.
We do not search children’s heads for ‘visitors’. However, if we do discover that a child has lice we will inform you promptly and anticipate that you will treat your child and your whole family as soon as possible.
There is much advice available in pharmacies about the current recommended treatment for these pests and our school nurse will always offer advice if asked.
It is every parent’s responsibility to regularly check their child’s hair and take action immediately if lice are found. If they are found please can you let the class teacher know.
If we are alerted to an ‘outbreak’ of head lice in a class we will send home an information leaflet to encourage other parents in your child’s class to treat their child.
We advise parents to provide sunhats for their children and clothing that covers the arms.
To protect children during hot weather we operate a strict – ‘No Hat No Play’ rule.
Parents should apply sunscreen before the child comes to school but sun cream should not be brought into school.