Week beg. 20/4/20
I hope you all had a lovely Easter break, Rhinos!
Below are some activities for you to enjoy this week. I hope these are all fun for you to do at home - there is certainly a variety! Let me explain some of the things I want you to do for each subject (however, there is also a guidance sheet with each one which goes into more detail).
English: You will find some handwriting exercises (which coincide with spellings), a PDF of a variety of writing tasks (see guidance for the recommended weekly routine) and some reading activities for each day.
Maths: There are plenty of reasoning and problem solving activities - based on counting in powers of ten and ordering and comparing numbers. You will also find a Busy Things activity I have assigned you on fractions. See the guidance page for more information.
Science: A fun experiment on materials! The PDF attached will guide you through the experiment - remember to ask an adult before you attempt the experiment.
RE: A bit of revision on Buddhism where we are sequencing the story of the Buddha. You were all fantastic at this in class, so hopefully this should be straightforward enough for you.
Art: Impress your parents and siblings with your knowledge of Sean Scully! The guidance sheet will help you with ideas and materials you may need.
PSHE/PATHS: All about our conscience and differentiating between right and wrong. This is connected to the story we looked at in class during PATHS. Again, feel free to build on this with the ideas on the guidance page.
Topic: A really fun experiment on the most robust building in an earthquake zone! Warning - do not eat all of the marshmallows and jelly before the experiment!
PE: Wendy has made an excellent PDF of different activities to do - there should be something to everyone's taste in there.
French: Revision of food. You were really good at this in class. Try to remember how to make a sandwich (the way we did in school). Could you tell your parents with actions, too?
I am missing you so much, Rhinos. I really hope you are all okay, and please ask me any questions if you need anything. Read the guidance pages below, but I am happy to email you too if you need support!
Lots of love from MJ.