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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) covers the time from when a child is born until the end of the year in which the child reaches five. Kew Riverside Primary School, consists of one Reception class, led by a teacher and teaching assistant. Children join our reception class in the September following their fourth birthday. This stage in children’s education is important in its own right but also in how it acts as the essential foundation for good future progress both in school and in life.


We believe that childhood is a time of wonder and through play we discover the excitement of learning, the reward of achievement and acquire lifelong learning skills. Our EYFS setting, with its safe and stimulating environment, encourages children to develop the necessary foundational skills, attitudes and understanding that will help them to become confident and active members of a diverse, evolving society. Within our Reception class we develop a community of learners through dialogue, negotiation and respect for the ideas and beliefs of children and adults alike. We continually strive to offer provision that is rich in possibilities, providing children with exciting environments of discovery. Children have freedom to explore their interests to enable them to make sense of the world in which they live. Children feel valued and listened to, resulting in high levels of self-esteem, engagement. Children leave Reception as effective communicators who are resilient, curious, empathetic, confident, caring and independent, armed with the knowledge and skills ready for the next stage of their education.


Our Aims for the EYFS at Kew Riverside are that:

  • All children feel included, safe, secure and valued;
  • Children develop holistically - physically, emotionally and socially, as well as intellectually;
  • Children build positive attitudes and learning dispositions, including creative thinking, perseverance and a life-long love of learning;
  • Independence is encouraged;
  • Children become confident communicators, in order to effectively share their thoughts, feelings and ideas;
  • Children's interests are valued, enabling them to have the freedom to explore their ideas and curiosities, to allow them to make sense of the world in which they live;
  • Links are made to prior learning and what children do and achievements are celebrated;
  • An appropriate balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities are provided to ensure that children are equipped with the basic skills needed to become confident readers, writers and mathematicians.
  • Children are supported to build friendships and learn to collaborate and co-operate with each other;
  • The culturally diverse nature of our school is celebrated, developing children’s awareness of and respect for others and individual difference;
  • Positive relationships with parents and carers are established to make strong and meaningful links between home and school that support each child to achieve the best possible outcomes.


See our EYFS Curriculum below:  


The children waited excitedly to see the ducklings hatch from their shells! 

(C&L and UOTW)

  Our children worked together to create a beautiful, magical castle. 

(C&L, UOTW, PSE&D & Maths)

 The children in Willow Class consolidate their learning using practical and creative activities. 



Willow Class love using technology to support their learning. 

(UOTW, Maths & Literacy)


The children in Willow Class enjoy reading and writing. 

(Literacy, UOTW, EA&D)


Willow class apply their Mathematics learning in lots of different ways. 

(Maths, UOTW, PD & C&L)


The children enjoy exploring and playing in our outdoor area. 



The children enjoy the role-play area and puzzles by working together.